
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Adobe Puts Turbo On The New Flash Player

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Adobe has just launched version 10.1 of Flash Player, and although the version number suggests that there is only a small update, this is actually done quite a lot of interesting changes. The new version will offer higher performance and lower energy consumption, especially on the Mac platform. Jobs has famously complained that Flash runs too badly and consumes too much battery power, especially on the Mac. Therefore, Apple does not support Flash on the iPhone and IPAD.The new Flash Player 1.10 runs under Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, the mobile versions are still missing. There is however an Android-beta version of Android Market.

Adobe says that we now have created a common runtime that runs on both desktop and mobile platforms. Flash Player should now run faster and uses less memory.
Meanwhile, energy consumption reduced, because the player, among other things can reduce consumption of non-visible content runs on a tab in the background.
Generally, should Flash Player and Adobe AIR now use significantly less CPU power when the content is running in idle and thus would also be less energy consumption. And especially on the Mac.
There are several new features in Flash Player 10.1, including a new ability to fast forward and back into the content without having to contact the server again. Adobe has also added new multi-touch features. Read more about Flash Player 10.1 in official blog.
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