
Monday, June 14, 2010

New Traffic Record on the Web

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Friday sat internet traffic to the world's news sites, a new record with nearly 12.1 million visitors in minutes. It tells Akamai performing measurements of the global network traffic. During the day increased Internet traffic hour by hour and peaked during the match between Mexico and South Africa and at the same high level during the match between France and Uruguay.
The previous record was set during the presidential elections in the U.S. in 2008, which recorded 8.5 million visitors per minute during the busiest period of the news services. On a normal day, no more than 1-2 million visitors per minute.

The high traffic from Friday continued over the weekend.
Traffic statement from Akamai shows that especially American and European network users searching on the internet to read about the World Cup, while only very limited traffic from the African continent. In Asia, one is not so bitten by the football fever as the rest of the world - yet.
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