
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Google Promises Fresher Results

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In its official blog Google tells that they have built a completely new indexing system codenamed Caffeine, which will provide 50 percent fresher results than the former system. When searching on Google as the search takes place as we know not of the network, but Google's own search index, Google's own mirror image of the network and can be compared with ordfortegnelsen in a book.
But this index will never be an accurate copy of the network of Web pages change constantly with new information - so the index is in principle obsolete as soon as it is complete.

The old Google index had several layers, some layers were refreshed faster than others; main layer was refreshed with a couple of weeks. But it demanded that Google's search engines to dig through the whole network, which means that some time elapses from the programs, a new page to become available in the search index.
With Caffeine is network analysis in small portions at a time and the index is updated continuously. When Google finds new pages or changes to old pages, they will be added to the index immediately.
Every second Caffeine can treat hundreds of pages, says Google. The index is approximately 100 million gigabytes - 100 petabytes - and it grows by over 100,000 gigabytes per day.
If the entire Google's new search index was stored on an iPod, so it would require 625,000 of the most iPods, and if you stacked them on top of each other, would pile more than 60 kilometers high, Google has counted himself forward.
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