
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Android 2.2 Internet Browser Trumps iPhone 4

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When Google introduced Android projected at 2.2 Conference Google I / O back in May, was one of the talking today that there had been used much force to make the Web browser in the new Android version better. Actually , they alleged that the Web browser in Android 2.2 , the fastest mobile browser on the market. It was good enough before the iPhone 4 with the new IOS four were presented , they can also release the latest gadget from Apple?
The site technica set out to investigate this by testing the speed of execution of JavaScript that can be said to be quite important for a good browser experience , one in the Nexus One with Google Android 2.2 and Apple iPhone 4 with IOS 4 And the result was not to be mistaken.
Leaves iPhone 4 in the dust
As the two phones were tested with SunSpider Nexus One was almost twice as fast as the iPhone 4 , while results with Google's own V8 test was even more persuasive since Nexus One was more than three times faster than the iPhone 4 in this test.
It is almost superfluous to add that we can hardly wait for that the producers have thrown updates for Android 2.2 out their Android models, so everyone can benefit from the faster Internet experience.
Thanks to Technica
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