
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Resolution iPad, iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS

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The image you see above shows the resolutions of the three mobile devices that Apple currently on the market: iPad, iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS. The order of presentation is based on the resolution. As you can easily see, despite the new iPhone 4 is physically very close to the size of the iPhone 3GS, has a resolution that is almost equal to that dell iPad.
The ability to see many more pixels, while maintaining a display of size similar to the iPhone 3GS has the advantage of facilitating the use of iPhone applications on iPad. All new applications, those that will be designed taking into account the new resolution will be large enough to make use of space 2x zoom mode when you want to use iPad.

It 'also not disputed that the development and subsequent adoption of this technology by Apple is a strong motivation to improve the portability of your app. Some developers will be able to fully develop without worrying about the type of device: in particular the producers of games. In non-play is a different matter. Although available to a higher resolution, there must always be considered the size of the buttons, fonts and menu items related to the display.
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