
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Opera Mini, the Best Mobile Browser Chosen by More Than 60 Million People

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The last time he surprised us, Work announced that it has reached the 30 million users. It was September last year, since the spotlight has never ceased to illuminate the famous Norwegian company the leading browser for mobile Web browsing
Last State of the Mobile WebLaunched every month from Opera , shows how users Opera Mini are growing ( thanks to ported to iPhone) . The number is impressive, over 61 million unique users worldwide and seems destined to grow more and more , particularly in developing countries .
Besides the number of clients , installed on mobile devices of every type and OS Mobile , Opera Mini has provided ( in May ) than on small portable screens 28 billion web pages almost 200% in the previous year . Curious purely statistical data : Indonesia is on top of the top 10 nations for traffic ,
while the more curious given time is represented by the library to surf the net from 20 to midnight. The detailed report is available at following address.
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