
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Camera Images From iPhone 4

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Some might suggest that Apple is really proud of the camera in the upcoming iPhone 4 at the presentation did Apple head Steve Jobs to great lengths to tell that you have made the sensor physically larger and thus kept the size of individual pixels. In this way achieve better handling of image noise, and can generally get more detail in the pictures.
On the product page for the new mobile, Apple has published six camera images from the phone in full size. The images are direct from the phone and Apple writes on the page, they have not tampered with them afterwords.
A more technical analysis shows that Apple has removed the images so called EXIF data, which normally contains information about camera model, the used settings and possibly used imaging software.
We've looked all six images in greater detail in the corners and is generally quite impressed. The camera has a tendency to over expose a little bit and especially the blue tones may seem a little milked. The amount of detail is very impressive for a mobile phone software and processing of images is undoubtedly among the best to date. It is normal to the camera software in mobile phones screw up tremendously for sharpness, which has the disadvantage that it makes more noise. Apart from the test images to judge, it seems as if Apple has found a good compromise between sharpness and noise.
You can see the six pictures at the bottom of this page:
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