
Friday, June 18, 2010

Sencha Touch: A Framework For Mobile Devices HTML5

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Company Sencha (formerly known as ExtJS) has just released Sencha TouchThe first platform specifically designed to create apps for mobile devices with HTML5, CSS3 using widely capabilities and Javascript. Sencha Touch is multi-platform, which was designed to be compatible with IOS and Android, not to mention that in the future is no support for other operating systems.
Sencha is defined Touch a framework HTML5 by its creators. The reasons are all there.
With HTML5, Sencha Touch applications can be used offline and Geolocation HTML5 allows easy integration of geographic data in the app. The use of CSS3 will have to have virtually no images of the components in libraries: styles, borders, gradients, shadows, the transitions, menus, buttons, absolutely all the components are pure CSS.
This means that the view of all these components is independent of the resolution, the app will look spectacular iPhone 4With the new Retina Display to act as support, but will be as graphically pleasing on other devices. Moreover, the framework supports events multitouch complexes, such as those found on Apple devices. This will allow interaction've seen so far practically only native applications.
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